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Insane Limits ( - 30-MAR-2015) + BFHL


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Originally Posted by lordicon*:


Could use help setting this up to allow only Pistols and Melee weapons, No Shorty 12G. Also allow Flares and Smoke but nothing else.


I have this plugin installed just cant figure it out at all.

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Originally Posted by naurel*:


  lordicon* said:

Could use help setting this up to allow only Pistols and Melee weapons, No Shorty 12G. Also allow Flares and Smoke but nothing else.


I have this plugin installed just cant figure it out at all.




This should help.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  jking54* said:

I'd love that limit, if you find it post asap :smile:

LOL, the whole point was for someone else to find it and save me the trouble.


I bumped it in Plugin Enhancements, but I draw the line there. Y'all should learn how to use forum search.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:


[23:53:09 77] [Insane Limits] greenyterror killed MrBekannt with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:14 65] [Insane Limits] iTulNleSs killed UpOnOne23 with U_M40A5(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:18 18] [Insane Limits] iTulNleSs killed big_tam_666 with U_M40A5(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:19 98] [Insane Limits] Huwer1987 killed Celtichugs1 with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:20 35] [Insane Limits] CosmicContrarian killed Gh0styyy with U_RPG7(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:29 44] [Insane Limits] Huwer1987 killed iTulNleSs with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:29 47] [Insane Limits] Buncey27 killed Scorpion2609 with Melee(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:32 68] [Insane Limits] interist12 killed NicShadow with U_AK5C(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:35 30] [Insane Limits] Huwer1987 killed Bish001 with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:37 42] [Insane Limits] EEsly80 killed interist12 with U_M82A3_MED(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:46 94] [Insane Limits] warslag killed alex-reload with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:46 97] [Insane Limits] warslag killed adams945 with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:47 00] [Insane Limits] warslag killed 2STEAKS with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:47 48] [Insane Limits] jackbauerpower killed Volound with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:47 52] [Insane Limits] jackbauerpower killed CosmicContrarian with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:49 75] [Insane Limits] MrGChimp killed EXP_Carthage with U_Type88(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:50 35] [Insane Limits] warslag killed jackbauerpower with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:56 69] [Insane Limits] MrGChimp killed 22SAS-Centurion with U_Type88(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:57 88] [Insane Limits] Manehead killed Zombizlaya with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:53:59 85] [Insane Limits] OneManArmy2188 killed jfteixeira with RoadKill(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:02 52] [Insane Limits] HighTower_x4 killed greenyterror with U_M416(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:04 94] [Insane Limits] warslag killed MrBekannt with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:05 28] [Insane Limits] EEsly80 killed HighTower_x4 with U_M82A3_MED(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:07 54] [Insane Limits] buckers36 killed big_tam_666 with U_RFB(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:09 58] [Insane Limits] Huwer1987 killed buckers36 with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:14 02] [Insane Limits] BoogaUK killed danaef47 with U_QBU88(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:16 25] [Insane Limits] warslag killed EXP_Carthage with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:17 42] [Insane Limits] warslag killed DenzelB with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:18 58] [Insane Limits] Manehead killed Scorpion2609 with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:27 18] [Insane Limits] Buncey27 killed Bish001 with U_Scout(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:32 89] [Insane Limits] OneManArmy2188 killed Gh0styyy with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:41 82] [Insane Limits] Archalite killed 2STEAKS with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:52 78] [Insane Limits] velociraptor_sb killed Fyfty666 with U_USAS-12(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:55 12] [Insane Limits] Tone-The-Oracle killed Bish001 with U_M40A5(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:56 42] [Insane Limits] Archalite killed DenzelB with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:57 38] [Insane Limits] BSportG killed Scorpion2609 with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:54:59 88] [Insane Limits] Huwer1987 killed HighTower_x4 with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:55:00 02] [Insane Limits] Huwer1987 killed MrBekannt with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
[23:55:00 39] [Insane Limits] Volound killed Celtichugs1 with Death(UNAVAILABLE)
Death, Roadkill, Melee, etc., etc., anything that isn't a U? weapon code is expected to be UNVAILABLE, but not the others. I'll have to dig into this a bit more and get back to you.


Are you sure the fetch was successful for those players? A fetch can fail if Battlelog is too loaded, making all weapons for that player UNAVAILABLE. Debug Level 4 or higher will show you the plugin.log details of each fetch. Also, move your test for killer.StatsError before the plugin.ConsoleWrite line.


BTW, I used identical code while testing and I never saw an UNVAILABLE for a U? weapon code across 2 full servers running overnight. I did get a lot of MTAR-21 getting mapped to MORTAR, though. :smile:

I'm not seeing the same problem you are. Here's the code I'm using.



if (killer.StatsError) {
plugin.ConsoleWrite("^1^bSTATS ERROR^n^0: " + killer.Name);
return false;

if (!kill.Weapon.StartsWith("U_")) return false;
// To cut down on log spam, only log each weapon code once
if (plugin.RoundData.issetBool(kill.Weapon)) return false;
plugin.RoundData.setBool(kill.Weapon, true);

BattlelogWeaponStatsInterface bws = killer.GetBattlelog(kill.Weapon);

plugin.ConsoleWrite("^7" + killer.Name + " killed " + victim.Name + " with " + kill.Weapon + ", " + bws.Name + ", " + bws.Headshots + ", " + bws.Kills);
return false;
Here is some logging for some of the same U? weapon codes you logged UNAVAILABLE:



[18:33:45] [Insane Limits] Dougzb killed Ermoja with U_AK5C, WARSAW_ID_P_WNAME_AK5C, 20, 129
[18:36:41] [Insane Limits] LeoPCast killed fbsn08 with U_M40A5, WARSAW_ID_P_WNAME_M40A5, 90, 300
[19:02:57] [Insane Limits] Amaarth killed CalaveraCeca with U_RPG7, WARSAW_ID_P_INAME_RPG7, 0, 14
[19:08:06] [Insane Limits] raptordfx killed Rezende467 with U_Scout, WARSAW_ID_P_WNAME_SCOUTELIT, 1, 2
[19:13:37] [Insane Limits] IX-Dark-XI killed MR3V1L3726 with U_USAS-12, WARSAW_ID_P_WNAME_USAS12, 0, 4
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Prostownik* said:

Can you send me basic cfg insame limit? Maby this will help me, if you don't wona help me.

Sorry buddy, but I just don't have time to support Linux. I barely have enough time to support Windows.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Pvtjohntowle* said:

Well I don't know what I have done. I have tried to follow the instructions but it aint kicking players with a particular clan tag

insane limits.JPG

I don't understand. Do you WANT to kick players with a certain tag, or do you NOT want to kick players with a certain tag?


Putting tags in a list doesn't do anything unless you use the list in a limit.


If you want to NOT kick players with those tags, you need to put them in the whitelist.

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Originally Posted by CDU-Rogue-Warrior*:



I am trying to get the latest version setup to run on a layer server hosted Hypernia. I have uploaded the files to the BF4 folder, and I have also installed them on my machine locally. i have restarted both NUMEROUS times and it does not show the plugin in the plugin folder.


What could I be doing wrong?

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Originally Posted by Pvtjohntowle*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

I don't understand. Do you WANT to kick players with a certain tag, or do you NOT want to kick players with a certain tag?


Putting tags in a list doesn't do anything unless you use the list in a limit.


If you want to NOT kick players with those tags, you need to put them in the whitelist.

I want to kick players with a certain tag and I don't know what I am doing. I tried but it doesn't work. I tested it out on our server and changed my clan tag to one of those in the list but nothing happened. I wasn't kicked.
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Originally Posted by CDU-Rogue-Warrior*:


I am assuming It doesn't use tags, you could have any tag you want and it still wont kick them. You have to use the player name as it is reported in Procon, its not a Procon fault, its a game fault

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Originally Posted by Pvtjohntowle*:


  =CDU=Rogue Warrior* said:

I am assuming It doesn't use tags, you could have any tag you want and it still wont kick them. You have to use the player name as it is reported in Procon, its not a Procon fault, its a game fault

it does because it is one of the Insane Limits Examples on this forum.


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  =CDU=Rogue Warrior* said:


I am trying to get the latest version setup to run on a layer server hosted Hypernia. I have uploaded the files to the BF4 folder, and I have also installed them on my machine locally. i have restarted both NUMEROUS times and it does not show the plugin in the plugin folder.


What could I be doing wrong?

First of all, don't install the plugins locally. If you have them on the layer, that's all you need.


Second, are you sure you are connecting to the layer? Sometimes the layer plugin tab doesn't show up, even if you are connected. Keep trying until you are sure you have tab. Be patient, it takes time to download everything from the layer.


If you do have the layer tab and your plugins don't show up, look at the plugin.log (which you enabled in Tools->Options, right_). It will tell you exactly what plugins it compiles and loads. If you don't see the plugins you expected, you didn't copy/upload them to the right place. If you do see them but there's an error, that's your problem.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Pvtjohntowle* said:

I want to kick players with a certain tag and I don't know what I am doing. I tried but it doesn't work. I tested it out on our server and changed my clan tag to one of those in the list but nothing happened. I wasn't kicked.

You have to add a limit:


Create a limit to evaluate OnSpawn, call it Tag Kicker, set Action to Kick and fill in the kick fields.


Set first_check to this Code:


return (plugin.isInList(player.Tag, "clan list")) ;
Note that the name of the list has to be exact. If you created the list with name "clan list", that's what you have to type into the limit code. If you get just one character wrong, it won't work.


Also, if Tag fetching is not working, which some people are reporting, this isn't going to work either.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Cinish* said:

Hey im using insane limits and pretty new at it


Is it possible to make a code to restrict only 2 snipers per team is it possible or?

Yes, but ProconRulz already has a way to do that, so rather than duplicate effort, just wait for ProconRulz to get updated to BF4. Or use one of the alternative sniper limits, like the one that limits to 5 max.
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Originally Posted by Pvtjohntowle*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

You have to add a limit:


Create a limit to evaluate OnSpawn, call it Tag Kicker, set Action to Kick and fill in the kick fields.


Set first_check to this Code:


return (plugin.isInList(player.Tag, "clan list")) ;
Note that the name of the list has to be exact. If you created the list with name "clan list", that's what you have to type into the limit code. If you get just one character wrong, it won't work.


Also, if Tag fetching is not working, which some people are reporting, this isn't going to work either.

Rather than me stuff around and waste my time, I am happy to donate $5.00 USD by paypal to you to get it working for me. I am on Teamspeak at bf4banditos.enjinvoice.com and can use Team Viewer. If it is that easy and you being the developer/tech guru then it won't take that long.
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Originally Posted by CDU-Rogue-Warrior*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

First of all, don't install the plugins locally. If you have them on the layer, that's all you need.


Second, are you sure you are connecting to the layer? Sometimes the layer plugin tab doesn't show up, even if you are connected. Keep trying until you are sure you have tab. Be patient, it takes time to download everything from the layer.


If you do have the layer tab and your plugins don't show up, look at the plugin.log (which you enabled in Tools->Options, right_). It will tell you exactly what plugins it compiles and loads. If you don't see the plugins you expected, you didn't copy/upload them to the right place. If you do see them but there's an error, that's your problem.

I wonder why I went back to this RSP that we left because their service sucked?


so I have been trying to update my layer server to and I kept getting an error, I submitted a ticket, they ended up switching the layer server and all is fine now!

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Pvtjohntowle* said:

Rather than me stuff around and waste my time, I am happy to donate $5.00 USD by paypal to you to get it working for me. I am on Teamspeak at bf4banditos.enjinvoice.com and can use Team Viewer. If it is that easy and you being the developer/tech guru then it won't take that long.

Give it a try, it's not as hard as you think. Did you watch the video in post #1? It shows you step by step how to set up a limit.
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Originally Posted by Pvtjohntowle*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Give it a try, it's not as hard as you think. Did you watch the video in post #1? It shows you step by step how to set up a limit.

Yes I did try. here is the result. Over to you.


bandicam 2013-11-23 09-05-55-870.jpgbandicam 2013-11-23 09-05-48-462.jpg


[09:19:39 64] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 27, column: 74): Invalid expression term ')'

[09:19:39 64] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1002, line: 27, column: 83): ; expected

[09:19:39 65] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 27, column: 83): Invalid expression term ')'

[09:19:39 65] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): Compiling Limit #2 - Unreal Tournment - OnKill

[09:19:39 87] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: 5 errors compiling Expression

[09:19:39 87] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 42, column: 37): Invalid expression term 'int'

[09:19:39 87] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1026, line: 42, column: 39): ) expected

[09:19:39 88] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 42, column: 88): Invalid expression term ')'

[09:19:39 88] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1002, line: 42, column: 97): ; expected

[09:19:39 88] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 42, column: 97): Invalid expression term ')'

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Pvtjohntowle* said:

Yes I did try. here is the result. Over to you.


bandicam 2013-11-23 09-05-55-870.jpgbandicam 2013-11-23 09-05-48-462.jpg


[09:19:39 64] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 27, column: 74): Invalid expression term ')'

[09:19:39 64] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1002, line: 27, column: 83): ; expected

[09:19:39 65] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 27, column: 83): Invalid expression term ')'

[09:19:39 65] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): Compiling Limit #2 - Unreal Tournment - OnKill

[09:19:39 87] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: 5 errors compiling Expression

[09:19:39 87] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 42, column: 37): Invalid expression term 'int'

[09:19:39 87] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1026, line: 42, column: 39): ) expected

[09:19:39 88] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 42, column: 88): Invalid expression term ')'

[09:19:39 88] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1002, line: 42, column: 97): ; expected

[09:19:39 88] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): ERROR: (CS1525, line: 42, column: 97): Invalid expression term ')'

Same error in both cases. The error message is telling you that you have an "invalid expression", because you are not supposed to have an expression at all.


In Limit #1, you have first_check set to Expression. It should be Code, per the instructions in the post.


In Limit #2, you have second_check set to Expression. It should be Code. The first_check is correctly set to Expression, don't change that.

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Originally Posted by Pvtjohntowle*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Same error in both cases. The error message is telling you that you have an "invalid expression", because you are not supposed to have an expression at all.


In Limit #1, you have first_check set to Expression. It should be Code, per the instructions in the post.


In Limit #2, you have second_check set to Expression. It should be Code. The first_check is correctly set to Expression, don't change that.

I think I have got it working, I changed my clan tag to TRBL and joined my server and I wasn't able to join and Procon status window that scrolls said this


[11:27:22 26] [insane Limits] kicking player JohnTowle, (activated Limit #1), with message: "JohnTowle, your clan [TRBL] is not welcomed here!"

[11:27:27 05] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): DONE inserting 0 new players, 0 still in queue, took a total of 3 secs


There is no message in red window /box like in the video (3.22) showing Game Manager It just goes to black screen and then disconnects and drops back to Battlelog webpage...

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Originally Posted by naurel*:


Heya ! I've a question i'm making a nes limit to display a welcom message based on this example :


Sadly it doesn't work. I means when i ask to wrote it on procon chat i can see the message on procon chat. But the message never display ingame. (it's for BF4)


Someone else having the same problem ?


edit : sounds like it's because the message it too big. Can I make the plugin say multiples lines ? something like that :


Admin > playername: Welcome %p_n% on serveur #2

Admin > playername: Please type : !rules for rules.

Admin > playername: Teamspeak :

Admin > playername: Add us to your favorites !



instead of


Admin > playername: Welcome %p_n% on serveur #2

Please type : !rules for rules.

Teamspeak :

Add us to your favorites !


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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  naurel* said:

Heya ! I've a question i'm making a nes limit to display a welcom message based on this example :


Sadly it doesn't work. I means when i ask to wrote it on procon chat i can see the message on procon chat. But the message never display ingame. (it's for BF4)


Someone else having the same problem ?


edit : sounds like it's because the message it too big. Can I make the plugin say multiples lines ? something like that :


Admin > playername: Welcome %p_n% on serveur #2

Admin > playername: Please type : !rules for rules.

Admin > playername: Teamspeak :

Admin > playername: Add us to your favorites !



instead of


Admin > playername: Welcome %p_n% on serveur #2

Please type : !rules for rules.

Teamspeak :

Add us to your favorites !




Set Action to None (delete the Say).


Change second_check to this Code:



if (limit.ActivationsTotal(player.Name) > 1) return false;

// Each of the following lines is one line of chat:

plugin.SendPlayerMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("Welcome %p_n% on serveur #2"));

plugin.SendPlayerMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("Please type: !rules for rules."));

plugin.SendPlayerMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("Teamspeak:"));

plugin.SendPlayerMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("Add us to your favorites!"));

return false;
The messages will only be sent to the player, not to everyone. It would be too spammy to send the welcome to all players.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Wiggles* said:

can you make a complete list of weapons and tools that procon recognises for both bf3 and bf4. makes it easier to custom make a plugin/alter an old one.

All the codes for BF4 are in the procon/Configs/BF4.defs file in your procon installation folder. Or you can look here for weapon codes:



All the codes for BF3 are in the procon/Cofigs/BF3.defs file in your procon installation folder.

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Originally Posted by Flyday*:


I have this errors when I try to add new limit.


[17:32:57 59] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): WARNING: unable to dump extra exception information.

[17:32:57 59] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): EXCEPTION: System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


  Flyday* said:

I have this errors when I try to add new limit.


[17:32:57 59] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): WARNING: unable to dump extra exception information.

[17:32:57 59] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): EXCEPTION: System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

Turn off the sandbox. And make sure you have FULL read/write permissions on your Layer.
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      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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