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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by RadicalMode*:


  bambam* said:

RadicalMode - My guess is that guy or another guy did shoot you with the M16A4, even though you had a nade going off in your face at the same time.

no way, it was a M320... the game screen shows a M320 kill and the console show as M16A4.


many players are complaining about that on my server... I'll capture the log exactly like you said.


As I've posted before... here are the rules again:


  RadicalMode* said:

Some very few players are killing with noobtubes and aren't triggering the rules... no events in the console tab.


I'll try to capture a specific event.



On Kill;Weapon M320;Say %p% was banned for killing %v% with M320;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;Say %p% was banned for killing %v% with RPG-7;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;Say %p% was banned for killing %v% with SMAW;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

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Originally Posted by godspeed3k*:


Start with my Question: Is it possible to call other commands from other plugins from PRoConRulz?


I have tried using Say to call the chat command for anther plugin with no success. For example:


On Say;Text test;say /!calladmin test;PlayerSay An Admin has been has been notified because you said 'test'
I am trying to call the Notify Me! plugin using the the calladmin command to email me a notification anytime someone says test (I realize its a pointless rule, but opens the doors to many good rulz). I have tried with and without the / (to silence it in the chat display) and suprisingly, I would expect the command to work because adding the / does silence it in chat.


If possible, I would like a couple more things added to the Rule Conditions and Variables, specifically:


On Cycle;Time <N>  - trigger to check for condition (of each player, each team, and the server) every N seconds.
Score <N> <M> - Condition where is a Score with a range of N through M is met.
Command <command> - Action to executed a text command from another plugin.
%s% - Substitute string for the players Score.
If I could get it to work (with the requested changes) I could use a rule like:


On Cycle;Time 180;Score 10000;Command !calladmin Player has scored over 10,000 points this round. [Score: %s%]
On Spawn;Score 12000;PlayerSay You have scored over 12,000 points.;PlayerSay At 14,000 you will be Banned. An Admin has been notified.
On Cycle;Time 180;Score 14000;Ban for Boosting
I would use On Spawn on the second line because I am unsure if the hypothetical code would be able to identify the offender (the the person meeting the trigger, but again, the 3rd Line might not work for the same reason, but you get the idea. Overall the additions would add alot of functionallity to the plugin (not that its lacking right now).


  AJToft* said:

Does this rule kick for M320 too?


On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 2;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 1;Kill 100


Because players are getting kicked for using M320, but M320 are allowed om my server.

I think if you made it:



On Kill;Weapon M320
On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 2;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!
On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 1;Kill 100
It would make it so the M320 would not call the following rulz (because each time the M320 was used the first rule would be called with no action before the other rulz had a chance to be called)


  MysteryP* said:

Is there any rule which would give another teamplayer the right to decide if teammate dies for teamkilling him? My server players may wish to to get something like that. But otherwise perfect plugin for procon tool that is able to manage my Battlefield 3 server

Very interesting question, I had some ideas that might have worked, with the TargetAction and TargetConfirm commands, but I think would result in killing every person who has teamkilled, and not sure that it would turn it off until the next round.


>>kind of long winded, but teamkill would occur, victim would be PlayerSay'ed with option to !punish the offender. victim would type !punish, and Tk'er would die. Next new TK occurs and new victim would be give option to !punish, but I believe that if they typed !punish into the chat, both current and previous TK'rs would be killed (might not if confirmation kills the rule after execution). But if first Tk'r was not punished by first victim, then second victim typing !punish would kill both. Wish I could test this, but cannot get enough people on my server after R9.

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Originally Posted by godspeed3k*:


  godspeed3k* said:


On Cycle;Time <N>  - trigger to check for condition (of each player, each team, and the server) every N seconds.
Another option instead of creating a trigger based off of time (because I am not sure if its possible) would to be:


On Score; - Trigger each time a player gains points
My problem I am facing is I want to be able to identify when someone is doing something they probably shouldn't, ie boosting.

My Server is TDM, so getting points in excess of 10k is highly unlikely (I went 1 on 1 getting all 50 kills to win, and had max 6500 points. But if using a score check, it might count ribbons and medals (I have had 6k games where the final score was in excess of 30k), so not sure my rule would be foolproof.

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Originally Posted by TheTakama*:


Thank you for your effort.


But i have to say that the plugin doesn´t work at all, even with rules i´ve copied from this thread and inserted into the "rules"-field. All the plugin settings are set to "yes" btw. Pls help guys. We have to stop RPG spam on our server.

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Originally Posted by godspeed3k*:


  TheTakama* said:

Thank you for your effort.


But i have to say that the plugin doesn´t work at all, even with rules i´ve copied from this thread and inserted into the "rules"-field. All the plugin settings are set to "yes" btw. Pls help guys. We have to stop RPG spam on our server.

What exactly are you trying to do? The following from above should work to stop RPG attacks, provided you meet a couple requirements (below):


On Kill;Weapon M320
On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 2;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!
On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 1;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPGs are not allowed
2 things must occur, from my knowledge, before this will work:

1 - Must have the most recent version of PRoConRulz [Version 33b.6] installed

2 - Have the BF3.def file placed in the PRoCon "/Configs" Folder (this file comes with PRoConRulz as a temporary fix, and will automatically be updated at a later release of PRoCon.)

Once those 2 requirements are met, make sure you are adding the lines through the "String Collection Editor" access by clicking the "..." button on the far right of the line that reads "Rules" in the first column and "String[] Array" in the second column. Editing them by clicking the + on the same line and changing the individual lines below often result in changes not being saved.


Hope this helps.


Edit: Make sure also that there are no rules that call for On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive or individual weapons in the editor in a line prior to these rules (as they will be called first and be the only rule used for that trigger)

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Originally Posted by Rothgar*:


I would like to also see a "Command" option to run server commands, I think this would make the plugin more flexible.


There was another thread where someone wanted to run a command on Round Start and I would have directed him to ProconRulz but you can't run server commands currently.

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Originally Posted by dntmn*:


Been fiddling around with this for a few hours now and I feel just about as clueless as when I started..


Can anyone with a little bit more knowledge and experience help me out? Me and a couple of friends are running a 24/7 Hardcore Metro/Bazaar/Seine (No Mortar) server and we're starting to get fed up with all the RPG and M320 abuse and would like to take action against the offenders.


My requests are a little map specific, from what I understood that is possible, is it not?


(Is it possible to code so that if the abuser uses it again after already being killed, to kick him for two kills? Would love that if it's possible! (consecutive, not necessarily splash)


All maps: One M320 kill, kills the user. Two M320 kills for kick.


Metro: Two RPG kills, kills the user. Four RPG kills for kick.

Bazaar: Three RPG kills, kills the user. Four RPG kills for kick.

Seine: Four RPG kills, kills the user. Seven RPG kills for kick.


It's hard to restrict on Seine as we don't want to scare people off from blowing up the LAV or house facades, but still try to avoid abuse.. hopefully this rule set will ease it a little bit.


Help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


- dntmn

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Originally Posted by godspeed3k*:


  dntmn* said:

Been fiddling around with this for a few hours now and I feel just about as clueless as when I started..


Can anyone with a little bit more knowledge and experience help me out? Me and a couple of friends are running a 24/7 Hardcore Metro/Bazaar/Seine (No Mortar) server and we're starting to get fed up with all the RPG and M320 abuse and would like to take action against the offenders.


My requests are a little map specific, from what I understood that is possible, is it not?


(Is it possible to code so that if the abuser uses it again after already being killed, to kick him for two kills? Would love that if it's possible! (consecutive, not necessarily splash)


All maps: One M320 kill, kills the user. Two M320 kills for kick.


Metro: Two RPG kills, kills the user. Four RPG kills for kick.

Bazaar: Three RPG kills, kills the user. Four RPG kills for kick.

Seine: Four RPG kills, kills the user. Seven RPG kills for kick.


It's hard to restrict on Seine as we don't want to scare people off from blowing up the LAV or house facades, but still try to avoid abuse.. hopefully this rule set will ease it a little bit.


Help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


- dntmn

On Kill;Weapon M320;Count 1;Kick No M320 Kills Allowed
On Kill;Weapon M320;Kill 100;PlayerSay M320 Kills are not allowed!!
On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kick RPG Kills not allowed!
On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 1;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPG Kills not allowed!
On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay RPG Kills not allowed!
On Kill;Map Bazaar;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kick RPG Kills not allowed!
On Kill;Map Bazaar;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 2;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPG Kills not allowed!
On Kill;Map Bazaar;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay RPG Kills not allowed!
On Kill;Map Seine;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 6;Kick RPG Kills not allowed!
On Kill;Map Seine;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPG Kills not allowed!
On Kill;Map Seine;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay RPG Kills not allowed!
This should work, provided you have it installed with BF3.def file (see previous post). I added an additional line that will notify them that RPGs are not allowed (without punishing them) until the punish thresholds you stated are met (all RPG kills result in them being told its not allowed.)


Hope this helps.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


There's some comprehensive stuff on here that'll take a little bit to analyze so (godspeed) give me a day.



I would like to also see a "Command"

quick answer - we're thinking along the same lines - a potentially powerful undocumented feature of ProconRulz for quite a while is the "Exec" action, i.e. "Exec ". It includes the ability to use %% variable substitutions in the command so although I've never tried this example you could kill or kick a player using "Exec admin.playerKick %p%". I created the feature with the idea of using admin commands to set server variables (specifically enabling vehicles on BFBC2 when teamsize got above a threshold) and the action works fine, but I discovered BFBC2 was only reading that particular variable at round start. There's always the (N+1)th feature that any user can recognise is missing and although the 'Exec' action DOES exist (lucky you) there isn't a way of parsing incoming rcon messages, so the admin commands are fire-and-forget. With the rcon message parser in effect I'd have written a complete replacement for Procon and there's a limit.
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Originally Posted by godspeed3k*:


Just thinking of possible uses, the way you describe:



On Say;Text !NextMap;Say Vote !voteyes to change to next map!;TargetAction Exec mapList.runNextRound
On Say;Text !voteyes;Count 5;TargetConfirm
On Say;Text !voteyes;Say Vote is currently %c% of 6 required votes!
I am a bit unfamiliar with TargetAction and TargetConfirm, but if I got the context right, this code should call for a vote to change to the next map. Once 6 votes are received, the console command mapList.runNextRound would be executed. (not tested, but think I got it right).


But you are also saying that Admin messages (any message send through procon) cannot be interpreted as an input to a plugin (to have it execute that plugin's command (that normally could be executed within the game))?


Given that information, it seems that PRoConRulz wouldn't be able to send text to other plugins since they still would not be able to receive them (due to not being able to Parse PRoCon text). The only possible solution would to be able to insert text in game that other plugins interpret as though it was a player typing it in game (not sure its a function that is available).


But thank you for the response, as the Exec Action does add alot of functionality, even with its limitations.


Another Question: Does PRoConRulz allow for math functions to be executed?


On Say;Text !NextMap;Say Vote !voteyes to change to next map!;TargetAction Exec mapList.runNextRound
On Say;Text !voteyes;Count (%n%*8/10)-1;TargetConfirm
On Say;Text !voteyes;Say Vote is currently %c% of (%n%*8/10) required votes!
I know its a long shot, but with the function of (%n%*8/10) which is (%n%*2*4/10) I take the number of members of the smallest team times 2 to get the approximate total amount of players on server (did not see a servercount substitution). and multiply by 4/10 (40%). The result would require 40% to vote to have the server change maps.


And final question for this post: would one player be able to type !voteyes the number of times needed to get this rule to pass, and if so, is there a way to limit the vote per person?


Sorry if I am being a PIA, I tend to like finding unique ways of doing things. And yes, you have just about made a tool that can do almost anything.


Edit: Tested the code above (top) and one player is able to resend !voteyes to advance the vote, but on the 6th vote nothing happened, so I must be missing something on what Exec actually does.

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Originally Posted by godspeed3k*:


BAMBAM can give you a definitive answer, but from what I understand, currently the answer is NO. BF3 servers are not currently sending information that would be needed to identify if a person is using a gadget, attachment, or perk. It might happen at some later time as DICE/EA sort out the RCON for BF3. Thi sis not a limitation for PRoCon or PRoConRulz, but the result of DICE not having finished the RCON system yet. (And I do hope it is "yet".)

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


still catching up with these messages -

@BottomFeeders - ProconRulz has the functionality you need, but BF3 R9 is not yet sending the data you'd need. The ProconRulz plugin 'Details' page dynamically displays the current keys available - if you run it against a BFBC2 server you see a LOT of keys, including the type you want. If you run it against BF3 R9 there are 55 weapon keys only.


@godspeed - my comment re BF3 rcon message parsing is more technical, referring to the text datastream that BF3 sends over the rcon interface, visible in the 'Console' window of Procon when you check 'show events'. You'll see an admin.killPlayer message go one way, and a 'OK' message come back. If you send a 'serverInfo' command (or listPlayers) then a more complex set of data is returned - THAT'S what I'm saying ProconRulz doesn't allow a rule to interpret. ProconRulz itself *is* monitoring the output from those particular commands, to update it's player list etc (and so is Procon itself).


Whether another plugin can recognise the result of a plugins 'say' messages is more likely to do with the fact that that most plugins use the playername of the player that did the 'say'. If you pump in a say message with the admin.say command, the player name is 'Server' (I think, or maybe Admin) and plugins may ignore that playername for in-game admin to prevent loops occurring. ProconRulz has an 'On Say' trigger, but does not fire that trigger if the saying player is 'Server' for exactly that reason.

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Originally Posted by HelloKitty*:



...Nice idea. But I think the "confirm" command is only accepted by the "command" issueer. So Nobody will be able to respond to a "vote" except the one that strarted it. That topic came up earlier in bc2 about permissions and rights of public players vs accountholders.

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Originally Posted by godspeed3k*:



That might be it, but I tested it, and if that was the case, my command should have still executed it in the test. What you say might prevent my example from working though, and the many options that go with being able to have players confirm.

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Originally Posted by HelloKitty*:


On Say;Text !voteyes;Count 5;TargetConfirm ---> requires to confirm 6 times.

On Say;Text !voteyes;Say Vote is currently %c% of 6 required votes! ---> should give response about alread done confirms.

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Originally Posted by ArchangeI*:


Im after a rule that kills on usage for RPGs/M320/Mortar and the semi shotguns.

Is it possible for the plugin to "remember"? so if the rule are kill then kick and the offender comes back

on repeated offence it will ban?


Otherwise im after the limiter for Metro and Siene Crossing (without Tanks) So i guess the Mortar (death) should work?


Currently I have one running that i snagged of this section but i have a hard time editing since it seems i keep messing things up:P

Warning on First kill + Kill, and kick + kick msg on 3rd kill.


Did that make any sense? Map specific rules.


About TK rules, is it possible to set it to let the TKer say sorry and if not the TKed gets the option to "kill"?

Just thinking out loud, seen the TKPunish one but it creates alot of spam.

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Originally Posted by HelloKitty*:


"Is it possible for the plugin to "remember"? so if the rule are kill then kick and the offender comes back

on repeated offence it will ban_"

... that is not possible - afaik. All countings are only valid within one round.


"About TK rules, is it possible to set it to let the TKer say sorry and if not the TKed gets the option to "kill"_"

...no. each Event "ON Teamkill" or "On Say" is checked only vs all rules, but not vs eachother.

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Originally Posted by TheTakama*:


  godspeed3k* said:

What exactly are you trying to do? The following from above should work to stop RPG attacks, provided you meet a couple requirements (below):


On Kill;Weapon M320
On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 2;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!
On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 1;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPGs are not allowed
2 things must occur, from my knowledge, before this will work:

1 - Must have the most recent version of PRoConRulz [Version 33b.6] installed

2 - Have the BF3.def file placed in the PRoCon "/Configs" Folder (this file comes with PRoConRulz as a temporary fix, and will automatically be updated at a later release of PRoCon.)

Once those 2 requirements are met, make sure you are adding the lines through the "String Collection Editor" access by clicking the "..." button on the far right of the line that reads "Rules" in the first column and "String[] Array" in the second column. Editing them by clicking the + on the same line and changing the individual lines below often result in changes not being saved.


Hope this helps.


Edit: Make sure also that there are no rules that call for On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive or individual weapons in the editor in a line prior to these rules (as they will be called first and be the only rule used for that trigger)

Thank you very much, mate. This helped a lot. I didn´t place the BF3.def in the "configs" folder at first which caused my problem.


Also thank you for your time to write some rules for me. My goal was to forbid the usage of RPG/SMAW completely using the - On Spawn;Weapon []":-condition. Players should be killed upon even spawning with the RPG and SMAW or alternatively be killed as soon as they do damage with them, not upon killing with them because this doesn´t stop players from using the explosive projectile weapons.


Also a question directed to all of you: ProconRulz isn´t able to differentiate between damage done to vehicles and damage done to players, is it?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:



Another Question: Does PRoConRulz allow for math functions to be executed?




Can u add a kick/warn option for non Squad Player?




Is it possible for the plugin to remember

YES, in a way. The 'PlayerCount' condition 'remembers' across multiple joins by the same player but resets at the end of each round (as HelloKitty says). This means e.g. a TKing player can't just quit and rejoin and start TKing again. Also, the 'Rate condition is NOT reset at round end (e.g. you can say 10 teamkills in 30 minutes, and that will span round ends). Rate and PlayerCount are actually very similar conditions.



ProconRulz isn´t able to differentiate between damage done to vehicles and damage done to players, is it?

I suppose I should list all the limitations of BF3 R9 in the top post of this thread... this is correct and applies to all plugins.



question FROM bambam

An interesting point was raised earlier about the underslung nades on the assault rifle. Can anyone confirm the kill weapon in that situation (from the Procon console log with 'events' enabled, or failing that a Log message including %wk% from ProconRulz)? Other chat messages, or what comes up in-game, are interesting, but not actually definitive. The Procon log can show the actual OnPlayerKilled event data that BF3 transmits.


Is it

(1) the ASSAULT RIFLE (so you can't tell the difference between a bullet and a nade from the same rifle)

(2) some NADE weapon, e.g. M320

(3) some default value, such as DEATH


** EDIT ** ok, I did this test (thanks for nothing the rest of you). When a player kills a victim with an underslung nade attachment on an assault rifle (e.g. M416), BF3 reports the weapon of the kill as being the rifel (e.g. M416). So this means no plugin can tell when a nade has been fired by an assault rifle.

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Originally Posted by opti2k4*:



[17:09:17] ProconRulz: [Russian Army] Teflon74 spawned with [No kit key], [No weapon key], [No spec key]
[17:09:18] ProconRulz: [Russian Army] MohrenCOP spawned with [No kit key], [No weapon key], [No spec key]
So looks like my proconrulz don't dettect kits. Anyone knows what could be the problem?
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Originally Posted by C-4-N*:


BF3.def not copy ! in procon/congif / ?


Hey , i read lot of post here ,

1st - congrats very good work bambam


say command working , but i tried use kill and kick , but nothing happend :/ did r9 is responsible ?


i tried

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore;count 2;Kick %p% was kick for Claymore using !


but don't worked


what 's "e.g." did you put it in line command ?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


@opti2k4 - BF3 R9 has limitations, please see in the 1st post of this thread. The default 'On Spawn' rule shows exactly what you displayed for everybody with R9 - when DICE extends the protocol you will see the values appear in that default rule, and can build your rule from there.


@C4N - your rule looks ok to me - to test it, create a simpler rule and extend from there, for example


On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;Say Knife kill by %p% on %v%


Then maybe add your 'PlayerCount 2'


Then change the weapon to the Claymore


Then add a 'Kick' action.


OK ?


Actually, at a guess, the most likely reason this isn't working is because ANOTHER rule higher up is firing instead of your claymore one, e.g. do you have a general "On Kill;Log %p% kill" type rule.


OR... "Count 2" (better use the alternative name PlayerCount) means "the number of times this player has triggered this rule is MORE THAN 2" i.e. at least 3 - did you assume it would fire on the second event?


OR... ProconRulz will not kick/ban a player that is defined in Procon as having admin rights. Maybe the Claymore user was an admin? If so then the chat log will contain a message "bambam protected from kill by ProconRulz" instead of bambam being killed...



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      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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