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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by EntraVenuS*:


thanks for a helpful reply, so i can configure the amount of kills that a sniper can do but not the limit of snipers per team. again im fairly new to procon is it easy to configure the amount of points a sniper can get? thanks in advance.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


is it easy to configure the amount of points

Nope, ProconRulz currently doesn't provide any functionality based on player points. I don't know of another plugin that does, although it's technically possible.
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Procon is released, and the update includes a replacement BF3.def which is the same as the ProconRulz one (but see below...). The updated Procon doesn't alter the functionality of ProconRulz in any way.


I've just fessed up that I'm fairly sure I'm the twat that left a typo in the BF3.def weapons definitions (AK-74 and G3A3) which will fux up rulz USING THOSE WEAPONS as spotted by sasdoctor earlier today. It's relatively rare anyone having rulz specifically on "AssaultRifle". I'm sure a Procon will come out that fixes that (my) typo. In the meantime you can (if you need to) just edit BF3.def and put the proper "AssaultRifle" damage code against those two rifles (the type is obvious when you see it).


@fourtwofour: DICE have been very supportive with Procon, including flying Phogue to Sweden to represent our requirements for the rcon protocol. They see the value in having effective admin tools and wouldn't trash the community lightly. However, I'd assume that if BF3 turned into a confusing cluster-fuck because of an incomprehensible mix of arbitrary server limits then EA would take action. You will see me emphasising on this forum the need for admins to use the capabilities of ProconRulz to apply rulz in a smooth way, i.e. with say messages and kills at structured thresholds rather than insta-bans. Procon/ProconRulz ran successfully throughout the BFBC2 era with the same "Rules of Conduct" so there's no reason to expect that to change now. I'd argue that the typical '2 sniper' limit on BFBC2 rush servers was a plus for those wanting that kind of game, while committed snipers could still find plenty of servers for their target practice.

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Originally Posted by fourtwofour*:


Procon is released, and the update includes a replacement BF3.def which is the same as the ProconRulz one (but see below...). The updated Procon doesn't alter the functionality of ProconRulz in any way.


I've just fessed up that I'm fairly sure I'm the twat that left a typo in the BF3.def weapons definitions (AK-74 and G3A3) which will fux up rulz USING THOSE WEAPONS as spotted by sasdoctor earlier today. It's relatively rare anyone having rulz specifically on "AssaultRifle". I'm sure a Procon will come out that fixes that (my) typo. In the meantime you can (if you need to) just edit BF3.def and put the proper "AssaultRifle" damage code against those two rifles (the type is obvious when you see it).


@fourtwofour: DICE have been very supportive with Procon, including flying Phogue to Sweden to represent our requirements for the rcon protocol. They see the value in having effective admin tools and wouldn't trash the community lightly. However, I'd assume that if BF3 turned into a confusing cluster-fuck because of an incomprehensible mix of arbitrary server limits then EA would take action. You will see me emphasising on this forum the need for admins to use the capabilities of ProconRulz to apply rulz in a smooth way, i.e. with say messages and kills at structured thresholds rather than insta-bans. Procon/ProconRulz ran successfully throughout the BFBC2 era with the same "Rules of Conduct" so there's no reason to expect that to change now. I'd argue that the typical '2 sniper' limit on BFBC2 rush servers was a plus for those wanting that kind of game, while committed snipers could still find plenty of servers for their target practice.

So you are saying I can make it so it kills people for using M320 / RPG etc? At least in our infantry server
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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


So you are saying I can make it so it kills people for using M320 / RPG etc? At least in our infantry server

Sure, but you won't be able to do it automatically for under-slung M320s e.g. M416, those you'll have to be vigilant with manually.
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Originally Posted by vieirinha*:


are there any plans to get rid of things like IRNV? Also, I need some help setting this thing up. Anyone that could help please pm me.


EDIT Can you get rid of things like IRNV?

yeah gotta agree, this thing is hard to setup, anyone out there can help us please
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


What should i doo with the BF3.def?

nothing. The Procon update includes an up-to-date BF3.def.


can you block IRNV



I'm still getting the error

are you asking for help? The 'Death' entry you created in BF3.def is screwed up. Ignore the warning, ProconRulz will still allow the key to be used. You can stop the warning by putting an entry for a fake weapon 'Death' in BF3.def - make it identical to any other weapon definition, just use a key 'Death', and if you get it right you'll see the weapon appear in ProconRulz details.
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Originally Posted by *prof*:


nothing. The Procon update includes an up-to-date BF3.def.






are you asking for help? The 'Death' entry you created in BF3.def is screwed up. Ignore the warning, ProconRulz will still allow the key to be used. You can stop the warning by putting an entry for a fake weapon 'Death' in BF3.def - make it identical to any other weapon definition, just use a key 'Death', and if you get it right you'll see the weapon appear in ProconRulz details.

bambam, thanks for the reply. Can someone help me set this thing up? I can throw someone some cash if they can. Thanks. PM ME!!
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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


What the hell is the "weapon" key for knife?

I keep getting an "Warning, weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife not found in Procon" message.

I can't update the .def file to the layer, is this the issue? I could install this locally but rather have it on the layer.


~~update~~ installed locally and running fine...guess I'm "screwed" till PT allows us to update :sad:

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Originally Posted by cestcomi*:


In BF3.def, Type88 Machine Gun is a sniper rifle O-O.


Yesterday I made a rule for Sniper Rifles (on kill;damage SniperRifle;etc...) and I found a problem with the Type88 Maschine Gun.

The players playing Support and using the Type88 Maschine Gun were kicked.


I made a bug report here :


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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Warning, weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife not found in Procon

You're correct this warning means BF3.def is out of date. You can still use the 'Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife" condition in your rulz and that will work unchanged. The out-of-date BF3.def means Procon cannot provide *damage* information for the weapon, so a condition "Damage Melee" will not be triggered by a knife kill. With an updated BF3.def you can use both Weapon and Damage conditions, assuming BF3 is sendng the data for that weapon. I could have made the plugin simpler by delaying the release until Procon was updated and BF3 sends a complete set of event data.



- update your Procon to and BF3.def will be updated. You no longer need the ProconRulz or XPkiller versions of BF3.def. FWIW the new version of BF3.def with Procon is the one I included with ProconRulz anyway. Just update to Procon (or newer). Don't worry about a ProconRulz change log - I will include that in the top post when a new version comes out (see the BFBC2 ProconRulz thread). In the meantime I may fix the odd typo or change something minor and don't want to confuse the users. The uploaded v33b6a updates v33b6 for an AssaultRifle typo in BF3.def which should be overwritten by Procon anyway and this morning I'll remove BF3.def from the plugin zip (that will be v33b6b) - ProconRulz itself won't change. Now you know.


@424: I can make it so it kills people for using M320 / RPG etc? At least in our infantry server

Yes, no problem. Just use the "Damage ProjectileExplosive' rule from the first post in this thread and omit the "Map Subway" conditions.
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


brief note: a minor update to ProconRulz has been placed on first post in this thread (v34). The default 'protection' of admins from kills/kicks/bans by ProconRulz is now an optional setting. BF3.def is no longer needed as it's included in the Procon update.

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Originally Posted by TiDisintegro*:


Am I right to assume that if I set up my server as "only infantry", I can limit the abuse of mortar by killing anyone KILLING with it since that would then be the only "death" weapon available?


Would the same thing also be for RPG/SMAW since they won't have any vehicles available to shoot at? Therefore a KILL with these weapons must be on infantry?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


@chavaquis: the 'weapon key' for the claymore is given on the ProconRulz 'Details' tab, also repeated online here:


and you could make Claymore kills suicidal with a rule:


On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore;Say %p% SUICIDAL CLAYMORE KILL;Kill 100


If you look at the first post in this thread (on the first page) you'll see a variety of sample rulz listed. The first example shows how to limit the use of the Saiga shotgun, via 3 rulz that go from kills to kick to a ban for persistent use. You just need to use those rulz but use your key "Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore" instead of "Siaga20k" (yes, BF3 has typos).


*prof: given the current limitations of BF3 listed on the 1st post in this thread, and given the BF3 weapons and damage types listed conveniently for you on the ProconRulz 'details' tab here:


choose ONE thing you'd like Procon/ProconRulz to do and if it's possible I'll show you the rulz you'll need. At this stage don't worry about a long list of magical things you'd like to happen.


@TiDisintegro: yes, life becomes simpler on an infantry-only server. You can block RPG's simply by having rulz with a "Damage ProjectileExplosive" condition because you don't have to worry about BF3 limit #6 (see first post). See the 1st post in this thread for the second set of sample rulz "Limit a weapon category via Damage condition" - where the example says Shotgun, use "ProjectileExplosive". I know it would be quicker just to copy and paste the rulz from the 1st post and edit it for you...


On a no-vehicles server (or map) you could also nerf the MORTAR because you also don't have to worry about BF3 limit #1, i.e. the fact that Mortars and all vehicle kills are currently reported as the same weapon, i.e. 'Death'. However, ProconRulz will warn that weapon Death hasn't been found in Procon - at this point ProconRulz will still work normally and your dick will not drop off. However, to remove the warning you would have to edit your own entry for the weapon 'Death' into the BF3.def file. All you have to do is make it identical to the first existing weapon entry but use keys "None "Death" Primary None", i.e. the weapons section will begin


procon.protected.weapons.add None "Death" Primary None

procon.protected.weapons.add None "870MCS" Secondary Shotgun


You can confirm you've done this correctly (or not) because the weapon Death will appear in the weapon list displayed on the ProconRulz details page. FYI for Procon to work, this BF3.def is on the Procon instance that connects directly to your BF3 rcon interface. i.e. the one that runs 24/7. So if you're using a 'hosted layer server procon' that's the one you have to get the updated BF3.def onto. All that crap is really nothing to do with ProconRulz, as is hacking your BF3.def to add weapons that Procon doesn't know about. Incidentally this procedure really isn't necessary for the 'Death' weapon, but comes in handy if another real weapon appears and you want to get ahead of the game - BF3 is changing rapidly - maybe mortars will have a proper code tomorrow and you can zap it in there...

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Originally Posted by TiDisintegro*:


@TiDisintegro: yes, life becomes simpler on an infantry-only server. You can block RPG's simply by having rulz with a "Damage ProjectileExplosive" condition because you don't have to worry about BF3 limit #6 (see first post). See the 1st post in this thread for the second set of sample rulz "Limit a weapon category via Damage condition" - where the example says Shotgun, use "ProjectileExplosive". I know it would be quicker just to copy and paste the rulz from the 1st post and edit it for you...


On a no-vehicles server (or map) you could also nerf the MORTAR because you also don't have to worry about BF3 limit #1, i.e. the fact that Mortars and all vehicle kills are currently reported as the same weapon, i.e. 'Death'. However, to do this you have to edit your own entry for the weapon 'Death' into the BF3.def file. All you have to do is make it identical to the first existing weapon entry but use keys "None Death Primary None". You can confirm you've done this correctly (or not) because the weapon Death will appear in the weapon list displayed on the ProconRulz details page. FYI for Procon to work, this BF3.def is on the Procon instance that connects directly to your BF3 rcon interface. i.e. the one that runs 24/7. So if you're using a 'hosted layer server procon' that's the one you have to get the updated BF3.def onto. All that crap is really nothing to do with ProconRulz, as is hacking your BF3.def to add weapons that Procon doesn't know about.

I do have my own ProCon server directly connected to the gameserver. I will play with it and let's see what comes out. Thanks a lot for your work on this plugin. :-)
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Originally Posted by AJToft*:



I have been trying to make om "On Spawn" rules[Yeah i know i cant use them yet], and want to ask you: Will these rules work?


On Spawn;Kit Demolition RPG-7;Say >>%p%

On Spawn;Kit Demolition SMAW;Say >>%p%

On Spawn;Kit Demolition RPG-7;Say >>%p%

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Originally Posted by chavaquis*:


thank you for the support "bambam", so if I understand the "kill" in vehicles do not work with this version? because I have a server "infantry only" and the persons who kill in the transport vehicle are annoying

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


AJToft when BF3 has the necessary update, your rule would be simply "On Spawn;Weapon RPG-7;Say >>%p%counts of items spawned concurrently, often used to trigger an action if more than X number of players has spawned with a weapon that does SniperRifle damage, tada you have your traditional sniper limit. All this is already in ProconRulz, and admins that use/used it on BFBC2 are familiar with this stuff, but we're waiting for the BF3 'spawn' event to be updated.


chavaquis you can block ALL kills from people in vehicles (e.g. tank, gun on humvee, AA weapon) AND the mortar if you have a rule on "Weapon Death". That's what the earlier post with TiDisintegro was all about. This is (hopefully) a TEMPORARY solution, because a BF3 update should give more weapon keys. The problem is if you want to block MORTAR but permit TANKS - then you are currently screwed, because BF3 reports the kills for both as the weapon 'Death'. So your rule would be

On Kill;Weapon Death;Kill 100

Anyone that kills another player with a Mortar or from a vehicle or aircraft will be killed themselves. This is all you can do at the moment but the situation is likely to change. ProconRulz will warn that Procon doesn't understand a weapon 'Death', but you can ignore that warning.

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:




On Kill;Weapon Death;Kill 100


for mortar is all you need?


I seriously want to get rid of frag rounds, especially so with the damn USAS, but what are my options in lieu of additional weapon keys for this?


Also, any way in future we'd be able to ban via PB GUID?

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Originally Posted by AJToft*:


AJToft when BF3 has the necessary update, your rule would be simply "On Spawn;Weapon RPG-7;Say >>%p%counts of items spawned concurrently, often used to trigger an action if more than X number of players has spawned with a weapon that does SniperRifle damage, tada you have your traditional sniper limit. All this is already in ProconRulz, and admins that use/used it on BFBC2 are familiar with this stuff, but we're waiting for the BF3 'spawn' event to be updated.

Great Thanks. Lets hope the "On spawn" info comes soon.
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


On Kill;Weapon Death;Kill 100


for mortar is all you need?

yes... after a kill with weapon 'Death', the killer will be killed. The mortar and ALL the vehicles are recorded as weapon 'Death'.


I seriously want to get rid of frag rounds, especially so with the damn USAS, but what are my options in lieu of additional weapon keys for this?

wait for an update from DICE. Failing that all you can do is ban the shotgun weapons (Damage Shotgun)


Also, any way in future we'd be able to ban via PB GUID?

ProconRulz bans by EA GUID - that not ok?
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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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