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Ultimate Map Manager ( - 03/26/15)


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Originally Posted by DrFellatio*:


What version of the plugin you are using.

Ultimate Map Manager -



What version of PRoCon is running on your layer server.



What Game Server Provider (GSP) you use.




What size server you pay for.



A detailed description of the problem you are having, including the map(s) and game mode(s) in which you noticed the problem.

I have a preset problem with the new version of UMM. I have created two seperate presets, one for CQ and one for Rush. Every preset has just a vars.gameModeCounter command but if the gamemode is switching from CQ to Rush, the ticket won't apply. It stays at default preset. I have tried out two different options with and without xVotemap but nothing changes. Even if a map was voted and displayed (f.e. Operation Locker Rush) UMM is not showing the right map but the server switches to the right one. The tickets stay at 100% and UMM is not switching to the correct Preset (Rush Preset: Normal 2 and not Normal 1).


What time the issue occurred (so the developer can find it in the logs).

First time:

[17:40:01 74] [xVotemap] Info: Operation Locker [R] Won

[17:54:51 54] [xVotemap] Work: Displayed next map

[17:58:17 16] [xVotemap] Work: Round Over: Stopping voting system

[17:58:17 18] UltimateMapManager: INFO -> Round ended. Rounds run on this map list: 1

[17:59:06 59] UltimateMapManager: WORK -> Next map: Flood Zone (Conquest Large). Setting server preset to Custom Preset: Normal 1.

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Originally Posted by falcontx*:


What version of the plugin you are using.

Ultimate Map Manager -



What version of PRoCon is running on your layer server.



What Game Server Provider (GSP) you use.




What size server you pay for.



A detailed description of the problem you are having, including the map(s) and game mode(s) in which you noticed the problem.

I have a preset problem with the new version of UMM. I have created two seperate presets, one for CQ and one for Rush. Every preset has just a vars.gameModeCounter command but if the gamemode is switching from CQ to Rush, the ticket won't apply. It stays at default preset. I have tried out two different options with and without xVotemap but nothing changes. Even if a map was voted and displayed (f.e. Operation Locker Rush) UMM is not showing the right map but the server switches to the right one. The tickets stay at 100% and UMM is not switching to the correct Preset (Rush Preset: Normal 2 and not Normal 1).


What time the issue occurred (so the developer can find it in the logs).

First time:

I understand the problem, and I see the evidence in the console you quoted, but I will need the console logs in order to troubleshoot further.


I checked the spam folder and there is also no, could you send again Last copy UMM support BF4, beforehand I would be grateful.

Mail - [email protected]

I can't find a donation from that email address. Please PM me with the email address you used to donate.
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Originally Posted by Kenturrac*:


Hey guys, has anyone else problems with the vars.gameModeCounter ? It's just not changing the tickets on my server. It's loading the preset, everything else if fine, but this value wont change... Any ideas?

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:




UMM is loading preset normal , but shows up in battlelog as custom.


Plugins running:

Adaptive Ticket Count

BF3 Chat Guid.....

Latency Manager









Added startup.txt fragnet server / console.log / plugin.log


Attached Files:

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Originally Posted by falcontx*:




UMM is loading preset normal , but shows up in battlelog as custom.


Plugins running:

Adaptive Ticket Count

BF3 Chat Guid.....

Latency Manager









Added startup.txt fragnet server / console.log / plugin.log

It's probably one of the other plugins changing a variable. Once "vars.preset normal" has been sent, it should show up as "Normal" in Battlelog. However, if you change anything after that, including the ticket count, it will change to Custom.
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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


Well, it's not a problem, per se, but it will cause your server to appear as "Custom" in Battlelog.

I fixed the problem with proconrulz, since tickets are set at round start/round loading , i set the tickets back to 100% on the serverfirst spawn, so the server gets normal again, but with 200Tickets :P
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Originally Posted by tonnic*:


I have donated, will I get the full version of the plugin by e-mail?

He'll get to you, I'm sure :smile:. Definitely worth it.


Please excuse the brevity/spelling of this post, as it was sent via Tapatalk on my smart phone.

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Originally Posted by Kal-El*:


It should already work without a update. All the information about maps and game modes have already been updated.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk

Air Superiority is having issues with UMM :huh:
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Originally Posted by Pvtjohntowle*:


I have made a paypal donation for $5.00 for this Plugin thanks for your good work Falcontx


Have you updated this Plugin for China Rising DLC as I noticed Adaptive Ticket Count Plugin you said you hadn't for that Plugin in other thread.

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Originally Posted by falcontx*:


As far as I can tell they are


So they have to be placed both locally and on my remote procon layer (FTP) with GameServers?

Just on the layer server. So, what does the plugin console tell you when you load PRoCon? If it's not showing up, there should be an error.
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Originally Posted by Pvtjohntowle*:


There is no error can you connect to my computer via TeamViewer and ensure this plugin is working correctly? I am only running the 4 China Rising DLC Maps presently, could this be a problem with the plugin not loading at all?



Posted Image



Screenshot 2013-12-04 11.17.56.png



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