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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by bambam*:


apocalypse + fookaa - both answers are in the 1st post of this thread. Helis + jets both show as the same kill weapon (Death), so you can't block one and not the other.


terminator - nope - the only event BF3 is giving us suitable for 'limits' is killing of a player.

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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


  bambam* said:

stuckmoto is your hosted procon now ? I'm wondering if your host updates the code, bf3.def or both ?

A kill by mav is reported as weapon "roadkill"? That's a new piece of info - thanks.

yes - PT
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Originally Posted by GameFrame*:


Hi, thx for this. I've got it working this way: On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Kick %p%


When I append 'say xxx' to end, it will not work and I'll get the following error: NullReferenceExpection and whole plugin stops working. Please see attachment.


Attached Files:

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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


  GameFrame* said:

Hi, thx for this. I've got it working this way: On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Kick %p%


When I append 'say xxx' to end, it will not work and I'll get the following error: NullReferenceExpection and whole plugin stops working. Please see attachment.

I wouldn't place the "say" on the end. Rather before your action

i.e. On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say NO EXPLOSIVES;Kick %p%

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Hey GameFrame - does having that rule *always* give the 'recoverable exception' message from ProconRulz ?


The plugin gives that message (and recovers) when the game server gives some information that was truly unexpected. For example it is fairly common for the game server to say one player killed another with weapon "null", or one player killed player "null" with a weapon, i.e. basically events with bad data coming from the game server - but ProconRulz already has code programming around everything I've seen before and treats those as normal.


If you have any clue as to what event came from the server when that message was produced by ProconRulz that would help but for this you'd need event logging in the Procon *console*.


But I've never seen a situation where ProconRulz produced a "recoverable exception" message and didn't then continue normally - what happened when the plugin "stopped working"? Did Procon continue ok? Did you have Procon 'log' messages in the chat console and Procon carried on ok but those messages stopped? I.e. what told you the plugin "stopped working" ?


Any log info you've got, or a way to reproduce the error, will be helpful. Thanks for the plugin console screenshot.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


YouPila use the rulz on the top of Page 25 in this thread. If you really want to block Weapon SMAW and Weapon RPG-7, use those conditions instead of "Damage ProjectileExplosive". Read the 1st post in this thread to understand how this shit works.

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


This rule works flawlessly, but the reported msg has name and temp ban time reversed, e.g. player 3600 was temp banned for "playername" seconds or some such deal...


On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 2;TempBan 3600 %p% %w% - 1 hour temp ban ProjectileExplosive

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerFirst;Say %p% do NOT use rockets on Metro;Kill 100

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Kick

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


hey clay52 I'll look into that - (for now try it without the %p% %w%)




**Edit ** genius, well spotted. 10 points. The 'bug' is in the write statement for the message to the chat log, and has presumably been like that for months. When a TempBan action is issued, ProconRulz automatically writes a log entry to the chat log "ProconRulz: Player {0} temp banned for {1} seconds" and I'm embedding playername and bantime the wrong way round in the log message. Apologies. The TempBan itself is unaffected, just the way I format the log message, and I've now corrected that in the next version v35. Thanks.

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


  bambam* said:

hey clay52 I'll look into that - for now try it without the %p% %w% - this may well be a bug from WAYYY back that's not cropped up before (just a guess - I'll have to check)



Sounds good bud, hey in the meantime here's my nade rule below I've been using:


# METRO NADE SPAM RULZ (kill @ 5, Kick @ 7)

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;Count 6;Kick %p% Excessive use of nades on Metro

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;Count 4;Kill 100


What I'd like to have is to perhaps kill after the first 5 or 6 nades, then kick (or kill whatever) after every 5 or 6 more so I think I'd have a whole bunch of counts, say up to whatever 50, 100 whatever is necessary. My feeling that my rule above is too restrictive, though controlling spamming is of primary concern.


count 5;kick

count 10;kick etc




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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


How about this: Player is suicided every 5th nade kill, then gets a warning 2 before the next 5, then on the 20th ultimately gets Temp banned for an hour.


On Kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;count 20;TempBan 3600 %p% %w% - 1 hour temp ban Explosives Violation

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;count 18;Say %p% Nade limit warning before Suicide! #%c%

On kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;count 15;Say %p% Nade rule limit;Kill 100

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;count 13;Say %p% Nade limit warning before Suicide! #%c%

On kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;count 10;Say %p% Nade rule limit;Kill 100

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;count 8;Say %p% Nade limit warning before Suicide! #%c%

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;count 5;Say %p% Nade rule limit;Kill 100

On kill;Map Subway;Damage Explosive;count 3;Say %p% Nade limit warning before Suicide! #%c%

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Originally Posted by apocalypsedan*:


  bambam* said:

apocalypse + fookaa - both answers are in the 1st post of this thread. Helis + jets both show as the same kill weapon (Death), so you can't block one and not the other.


terminator - nope - the only event BF3 is giving us suitable for 'limits' is killing of a player.

Thanks for heads up
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Originally Posted by FoxRiverMan*:


Hello there , a chinese dude just wanna know that how can i install the pulgin into the Procon ?


I already dose that but the pulgin didn't show up , my server is R10 , then i changed the version to R9 , didn't work again ....


All i want to know just how can i install it ?


there is some other pulgins in my server wchit is contry killer , msg auto etc etc ...


Only these one i can't install it ...

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


FoxRiverMan if you put ProconRulz.cs in your Plugins/BF3 folder and either restart Procon or click "reload plugins" on the Plugins tab, then ProconRulz will appear in the plugin list in Procon.


If you are using a hosted Procon layer server, then that server is where the Plugins/BF3/ProconRulz.cs must be.


Install the plugin first, then worry about the actual rulz.

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Originally Posted by Aleks1979*:


  bambam* said:

Aleks pls read the 1st post in this thread, at least until you get to the text in red.

I know nothing in this can contact me here alone, this prohibition is to limit snipers to 2 players per team and mortar!

in advance thank you

email me here

what I prescribe to the plugin

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Originally Posted by FoxRiverMan*:


I appricate for your timely help ....

sucessed to reload the pulgin now ..

but i have no idea about the code , It automatically show up 25 rules .


# SPAWN RULE, so we get info when BF3 gives it

On Spawn;Log [%pt%] ^2%p%^0 spawned with [%kk%], [%wk%], [%speck%]


On TeamKill;Admin

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% SUICIDAL TEAMKILL #%c% on %v% with %w%;Kill 100

On TeamKill;Log TEAMKILL #%c% by ^2%p%^0 on ^2%v%^0 with %w%


On Suicide;Log Suicide by [%pt%] [^2%p%^0] with [%wk%]


On Kill;Weapon M15&AT&MINE;Log Mine kill by [^2%p%^0] on [^2%v%^0]

On Kill;Weapon weapons/knife/knife;Log Knife kill by [^2%p%^0] on [^2%v%^0]

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Log Rockect nade kill by [^2%p%^0] on [^2%v%^0]

On Kill;Log Kill [%pt%] [^2%p%^0] killed [%vt%] [^2%v%^0] with [%wk%] [%w%], Kit [%kk%] [%k%], Damage [%d%]


On Say;Text protected;Protected;Say [^2%p%^0] is protected

On Say;Text protected;Not Protected;Say [^2%p%^0] is NOT protected

On Say;Admin;Text xkill;TargetPlayer;Say Confirm %t%;TargetAction Say %t% killed by admin;TargetAction Kill 100

On Say;Admin;Text xkick;TargetPlayer;Say Confirm %t%;TargetAction Say %t% kicked by admin;TargetAction Kick Kicked by admin

On Say;Text xyes;TargetConfirm


On Round;Log Round change to [%m%] [%mm%]


On Join;Admin;Log Joiner [^2%p%^0] (min teamsize %n%) (Admin)

On Join;Log Joiner [^2%p%^0] (min teamsize %n%) (Not admin)

On Leave; Log Leaver [^2%p%^0] (min teamsize %n%)



Since i'm very poor in english , so may i asking you to do me a fever to changing the rules to "Knife Only" ...


My best mate , Thank You sooooooo much

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Originally Posted by illuminator*:


  YouPilA* said:

1) not all weapon keys are available. All kills by mortar, MAV, tanks, choppers, humvee are just weapon 'Death'

Didn't get u. This means ? I can't avoid tanks kills under 4 players ?
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Originally Posted by bambam*:




limit snipers to 2 players per team

not possible. You did not read 1st post in thread. Instead limit players to maximum 5 sniper kills per player:

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;PlayerCount 5;Log %p% kill #%c% with sniper rifle = SLAY;Say %p% sniper limit;Kill 100

Please do not ask again until you have read the 1st post in this thread.


illuminator: correct, you cannot stop ONLY tank kills. It is possible to stop ALL VEHICLE kills by using "Weapon Death", because tanks, helis, boats (and Mortars) all kill with weapon Death. So it is possible to have a "no vehicle kills under 4 players per team" with

On Kill;Weapon Death;Teamsize 3;Say %p% no vehicle kills until 4 players per side;Kill

Note that this will include mortars but hey, nothings perfect.



for for knife-only just keep those rulz, but at the TOP add

On Kill;Not Damage Melee;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% non-melee kill #%c% - KICKED;Kick kicked for non-knife kills

On Kill;Not Damage Melee;Say %p% non-melee kill #%c% (will be kicked after 3);Kill 100

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Yeah - if a player equips themselves with the Mortar, sits in a corner, fires mortar rounds into an enemy area, kills an enemy player, then that kill will be reported by BF3 as "Frankie killed Bennie with weapon Death".


For any noobie reading this, the whole issue around the kills BF3 reports as 'Death' is summarized in the first post of this thread. Basically it's mostly every kill by any type of vehicle/aircraft weapon, plus mortars.

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Originally Posted by illuminator*:


  bambam* said:

illuminator: correct, you cannot stop ONLY tank kills. It is possible to stop ALL VEHICLE kills by using "Weapon Death", because tanks, helis, boats (and Mortars) all kill with weapon Death. So it is possible to have a "no vehicle kills under 4 players per team" with

On Kill;Weapon Death;Teamsize 3;Say %p% no vehicle kills until 4 players per side;Kill

Note that this will include mortars but hey, nothings perfect.

If i use your rule set, i get this error message bambam: :sad:

Warning, weapon Death not found in Procon


Do you know the reason... ?


THX illu

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


regarding the "Weapon Death not found in Procon" message:


Those rulz will work unaffected. ProconRulz is warning that *Procon* has no definition for that weapon in its Configs/BF3.def file. The warning is more helpful when a 'normal' weapon code has a typo, e.g. you use "Weapon Saiga20k", when the warning will be unexpected to you and hint you've put in a wrong weapon code (the correct code is Siaga20k). A definition in BF3.def is needed for a valid 'damage type' for the weapon (i.e. BF3.def is where SMAW is given damage type ProjectileExplosive, allowing you to use conditions such as "Damage ProjectileExplosive"). As you never care that 'Death' cannot be used in a Damage condition, the warning is irrelevant.


You can remove the warning by adding a "Death" entry to your BF3.def - copy any other weapon entry but use "None "Death" Primary None".


We might put a default entry for 'Death' in the next Procon update just to reduce the confusion, although it's not really a weapon...

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Originally Posted by droopie*:


i would love to use this only to kill players who tk every 5th team member. thats only only purpose i would use this for. is that possible? if so, can someone tell me the settings to use?


what are options #2, #3, #5?


lol my failed attempt:

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 5;Kill 500;Log Autokill TKer %p%;PlayerSay Autokilled for 5 TK's!

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 3;PlayerSay %p% Autokill Warning: 3 of 5!

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 4;PlayerSay %p% Autokill Warning: 4 of 5!

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


  droopie* said:

i would love to use this only to kill players who tk every 5th team member. thats only only purpose i would use this for. is that possible? if so, can someone tell me the settings to use?


what are options #2, #3, #5?


lol my failed attempt:

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 5;Kill 500;Log Autokill TKer %p%;PlayerSay Autokilled for 5 TK's!

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 3;PlayerSay %p% Autokill Warning: 3 of 5!

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 4;PlayerSay %p% Autokill Warning: 4 of 5!

Your order is out of place.


For instance, it will never get to PlayerCount 4 since PlayerCount 3 comes first. It will just repeat #3 twice before reaching #5. It executes the first one in the series which is satisfied and then quits executing the rest. #3 satisfies the statement since it is asking if there are 3 OR MORE and thus it will do #3 twice.


Also, I think your command order for #5 is wrong.


I would do something like this:

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 5;Say %p% auto-killed for too many team kills!;Log %p% TKed %v%;Kill 500

On TeamKill;Say %p%, auto-kill warning: %c% of 5


PlayerSay doesn't work as far as I understand. I think that functionality was broken by DICE in server patch R8. I think it is still broken.

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


  moxman* said:

Can someone give me a config for no rockets ? And no tac lights or irnv?

The no rockets config has been stated over and over.


No projectile explosives:

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 2;Say %p%, was killed for using projectile explosives.;Log %p% killed %v% with %w%.;Kill 500

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say %p% warning! No projectile explosives.;Log %p% killed %v% with %w%.


Tac Lights and IRNV don't have weapon keys and thus can not be controlled.

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      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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