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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by ThaShadow*:


I have this rule:


On Kill;Map metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 1;Say %p% was temporary BANNED for using %w%;Log %p% banned for using %w%;TempBan 300 %p% Metro restriction - (%w%)


The players who use M320 or RPG or SMAW however dont seem to get kicked.

Also this is what I read in the chat when a message appears:


[21:49:42] Cowboy-NL was temporary BANNED for using M320 Grenade luncher

[21:49:42] ProconRulz: Player 300 temp banned for Cowboy-NL seconds


The second line doesnt add up ?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:




On Spawn;Weapon USAS-12 Selbstladeschrotflinte;Kill 2000

Wrong for a couple of reasons, and you really need to read the 1st post of this thread.


(1) BF3 is not providing weapon loadouts at spawn (see BF3 limitations in 1st post)


(2) use weapon KEYS in rulz, not the displayed description. The keys are listed for you in the ProconRulz Details info, and provided in a link in the 1st post of this thread.


If you want to block the USAS-12 shotgun, you will need a rule like On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Kill


ThaShadow kingknarf +1, plus only use "Map metro" if you are 100% sure BF3 doesn't send the map name as "Operation Métro" (spot the difference) - if you already know the rule works then you're in good shape. The Map condition searches both the map name AND the map filename (MP_Subway) so in general you're on safer ground using "Map Subway"

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Originally Posted by FreshDelight*:


I'm not really that good with codes so I'd like to run this by all of you to see if I got everything correct:



On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;Say %p% made %v% his bitch!
On Kill;Weapon Melee;say %p% made %v% his bitch!
On Kill;Weapon Repair&Tool;Say %v%'s marshmallows were toasted by %p%
On TeamKill;Kill 50
On TeamKill;Say %p% kills teammate %v% !
On Suicide;Say %p% kills himself.
My goal: knife/melee/repair tool only a message, teamkill a message and a 50 health punishment for the guy who did the the teamkill. Is all of the above in the correct format? Will this work?
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


FreshDelight that is damn good for a first try.

The only issue is your TeamKill rulz : BF3 has no mechanism to just reduce a players health (Kill, Kick, TempBan, Ban are the actions). The number after the Kill action is how long a delay you want before you kill the player (1000 = 1 second) - this is particularly useful when an action is triggered on a player spawn, currently irrelevant for BF3 :sad:


Here's 3 rulz that give a message and kill on the 1st TK, kill on TK 2..4, kick on TK 5:


On TeamKill;PlayerCount 4;Say %p% kicked for 5 teamkills;Kick excessive teamkills

On TeamKill;PlayerFirst;PlayerSay %p% - server has teamkill protection (you teamkilled %v% with %w%);Kill 100

On TeamKill;Kill 100


Combined with your rulz:

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;Say %p% made %v% his bitch!

On Kill;Weapon Melee;say %p% made %v% his bitch!

On Kill;Weapon Repair&Tool;Say %v%'s marshmallows were toasted by %p%

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 4;Say %p% kicked for 5 teamkills;Kick excessive teamkills

On TeamKill;PlayerFirst;PlayerSay %p% warning: server has teamkill protection (you teamkilled %v% with %w%);Kill 100

On TeamKill;Kill 100

On Suicide;Say %p% kills himself.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


tarreltje BF3 currently has the major limitation that it does NOT communicate the weapons loadout when each player spawns, and this means the "Kit Recon 1" condition simply cannot work until an upgrade to BF3 starts providing this information. Although you missed off any trigger on your rule (i.e. "On xxxx"), your rule is an "On Spawn" rule i.e. it is being triggered each time a player spawns - this would be fine if the "Kit Recon 1" actually worked on BF3 but it doesn't as of R10.


Currently (BF3 R10) all you can do is check the weapon or damage at KILL time - e.g. with that you could limit snipers to 5 sniper kills each. Not what you want, but it's a BF3 limitation.


If DICE doesn't provide the spawn weapon loadout in a reasonable time I'll think about some compromise functionality in ProconRulz, but the fact is at the moment controlling the number of players that SPAWN with a given loadout is not possible.

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Originally Posted by Nilson*:


i want to send a message to everyone if someone kill someone with the knife.

I use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;Say %p% humiliated %v%

but nothing in the chat appears, if someone kill someone with the knife, what do i wrong?


And a question: if i use "say >>%p%

I also know that you only can send messages to a squad, not to a singel player, is this information still valid? and if yes, does "say >>%p%

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Originally Posted by Rucki*:




  Devilkiss* said:

Sry guys i need help for put disable m320 and rpg in my server only metro.

this rules are working for me.


On Kill;Map MP_Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 1;Kick;Say %p% was kicked for using NoobTube on Inf!

On Kill;Map MP_Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say %p% punished. There is no tank on METRO!;Kill 3000


No RPG, no SMAW, no M320.

First warning with kill, then kick.



Now my Question: :ohmy:

I would have a Say-Action like: "PlayerX killed PlayerY with a Sniperrifle. There are X Sniperkills from TeamY!"

Maybe for 20 or 30 Sniperkills.

5 and log is only for testing.


On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;TeamCount 5;Log ^1%p% killed with %w%. This was Sniperkill Number %tc% for %pt%.


Its working.


[12:54:46] ProconRulz: PlayerA killed with Barrett M98B Sniper Rifle. This was Sniperkill Number 6 for Russian Army.


But how can I stop the following messages?

Number 7, 8, 9....... :ohmy:

[12:56:50] ProconRulz: PlayerZ killed with Barrett M98B Sniper Rifle. This was Sniperkill Number 8 for Russian Army.



Got it! :ohmy:


On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;TeamCount 6;

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;TeamCount 5;Log ^1%p% killed with %w%. This was Sniperkill Number %tc% for %pt%.






And special Thanks to bambam for your patience in this thread. :ohmy:

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Originally Posted by althalus401*:


Is it possible to have the teamkill punish only for teamkills in the palyers own base. The is where most of the deliberate team killing takes place.

Also will Procon rulz punish for base raping with aircraft and helis only.

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Originally Posted by Rucki*:


  _ddonut_* said:

It wont work with OnKill;USAS-12;Kill

I must only put that in the Rules directory?

Or should i write "OnKill;USAS-12;Kill" or [OnKill;USAS-12;Kill]?


sry guys!

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Kill;Say %p% killed for using USAS-12!


should work. No "" or [].



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Originally Posted by bambam*:




Is it possible to have the teamkill punish only for teamkills in the palyers own base

Nope - this isn't a capability of ProconRulz, and also currently no admin utility can provide this for BF3 because, unlike BFBC2, BF3 is NOT sending the player coordinates in any event. You cannot tell where the killer or victim is at kill time.
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Originally Posted by AnThR4X*:


Great plugin and it works flawlessly for me. Only question I have after reading through everything is how do I add the ability to use the "defib" on my server that is a knife/pistol/defib/repair tool.


Thanks Everyone

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


AnThR4X the DEFIB is a 'weapon' we've only recently found the key for (all you have to do is kill someone with it and see what data is given in either a ProconRulz logging rule or look in the Procon console).


procon.protected.weapons.add Assault "Defib" Secondary Melee


So you can add that weapon key to your BF3.def and use it in rulz the same as repair&tool. When you've done that it might be easier overall if you use "Damage Melee" instead of specific weapons, as in


On Kill;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage handgun;Say pistols/melee weapons only on this server;Kill


If you CANNOT update your BF3.def (some people can't because of the hosting provider) then you can still use "Weapon Defib" (ProconRulz will warn Procon doesn't have that key, but ProconRulz will still use it ok), but BF3.def is the file that has the weapon->damage mappings in it (see the weapons.add info above) so without "Defib" in BF3.def you can't use the "Damage" info.

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Originally Posted by AnThR4X*:


EXCELLENT thanks for the prompt response bambam. I'm having another problem all of the sudden. The kick/ban command for the second and 3rd offense isnt kicking or banning people. Here is the rules I am using below:


On Kill;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% banned (Melee / pistols /Repair Tool only);Ban %p% knife/pistol/repair tool only

On Kill;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% kicked (Knife / pistols / Repair Tool only);Kick %p% knife/pistol/repair tool only

On Kill;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerSay %p% knife/pistols/repair tool only;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;Say %p% made %v% his bitch!

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


AnThR4X the kicks/bans look ok to me... I'm assuming you've confirmed the Log messages are being written as expected. Is it possible the player you tested with is 'protected by ProconRulz' ? I.e. the player was a Procon admin, in your 'reserved slots' list or on the player whitelist or the clan whitelist?


With your rulz, a player with a rifle should get auto-killed on kill #1 and kill #2, then kicked on kill #3, and banned on kill #4 - maybe you were expecting kick on kill #2? PlayerCount X means PlayerCount > X ...

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Originally Posted by AnThR4X*:


Thanks again for the quick reply! I do not currently have anyone whitelisted, clan included. I was indeed under the impression that it was kick @ 2nd offense and BAN on 3rd offense. I will adjust the numbers accordingly and try again.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


no sorry I haven't provided a way (that I know of) that ProconRulz can read variable values from the game server and use those in rulz. Maybe in the future. ProconRulz *does* have a generic "Exec" action that can execute any rcon admin command so if you're clever maybe you can think of a way of putting the test server-side, and calling that from ProconRulz. You *can* write server side variables in ProconRulz (using the Exec action with the appropriate rcon command) so you could have your rulz controlling the "vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed" value (not what you want, probably).



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Originally Posted by Ayoopweb*:


I wanted to limit the use of heavy vehicles until 5 player are on both teams (10 in total)

So this should work right?

On Kill;Teamsize 5;Damage VehicleHeavy;Say No tanks until >5 players a side;Kill

Well... It doesn't! lol It didn't work, What's wrong with this code?


And btw, what exactly is considered heavy vehicle? besides tank, is jet and heli considered heavy too?


Thank you so much for this fantastic plugin! :smile:



P.S. And I wanted to write a code that would limit the snipers on each team to 5, but I wanted this code to only kill the ones that would spawn with a sniper rifle. So if somebody spawned as a Recon class but not with a sniper rifle (E.G. a shotgun) he wouldn't die. Is it possible to do it with just one line of code? or I should write dozens of code to ban every single sniper rifle?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Ayoopweb reasonable questions, but you've hit just about all of the main limitations of the current release of BF3 (R10). See the first post in this thread for more details. BF3 does NOT send the correct weapon details for any vehicle kills so your VehicleHeavy rule cannot work, and does NOT send weapon loadout information for any player at spawn time. If/when BF3 is updated to provide this information then you will be able to use the rulz as you intended both for tank kills and players spawning with sniper rifles.


In the meantime you can only implement limits by acting upon KILL events with certain weapons, for more information read the 1st post in this thread.

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Originally Posted by Ayoopweb*:


  bambam* said:

Ayoopweb reasonable questions, but you've hit just about all of the main limitations of the current release of BF3 (R10). See the first post in this thread for more details. BF3 does NOT send the correct weapon details for any vehicle kills so your VehicleHeavy rule cannot work, and does NOT send weapon loadout information for any player at spawn time. If/when BF3 is updated to provide this information then you will be able to use the rulz as you intended both for tank kills and players spawning with sniper rifles.


In the meantime you can only implement limits by acting upon KILL events with certain weapons, for more information read the 1st post in this thread.

Thank you for your fast response:smile:

I didn't see those info on the plugin Details in the Procon itself, that's why I got a little confused.


But I found something interesting in what you said on the first post, I quote:


  bambam* said:

On an infantry-only server, you can use a Weapon Death condition to block mortars because you are not worried about vehicle kills being affected by the same rule.

So technically, I can limit the use of tanks, jets, heli, machine guns on vehicles (_), mortar by using Weapon Death condition to block these vehicles and weapons until both teams have 5 or more players, is that right? Or am I just getting all wrong again?


P.S. oh and btw, by "Use" I mean when somebody gets a kill/damage with those vehicles.

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Originally Posted by droopie*:


  droopie* said:

ok so i took some suggestions and changed my only rule for tks to:

On teamkill;playercount 5;say autokilled %p% for 5 tk's!;log autokill tker %p%;kill 500


the only problem is that it works when i tk 5 times but if i tk after that i get killed each time instead of every 5th tk. I want it to kill you on every 5th tk. Not every tk after the 5th tk. Any suggestions?

^-bump-^ :smile:
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Originally Posted by bambam*:




I can limit the use of tanks, jets, heli, machine guns on vehicles (_), mortar by using Weapon Death condition to block these vehicles and weapons until both teams have 5 or more players

yeah exactly right. If you want to make kills from any vehicle, and the mortar, suicidal until there are 5 or more players per side, use


On Kill;Weapon Death;Teamsize 4;Say %p% no vehicle or mortar kills until 5 players/team;Kill





cool :smile:
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      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

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      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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