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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by bambam*:


lol thanks - I have been pretty busy.

R11 works with the existing v34 version of ProconRulz, and the data available from BF3 R11 is the same as before


So the update we're all waiting for - more weapon/spec/kit data and also giving that data during the SPAWN events (as opposed to just KILL as present) - has not yet arrived.


In the meantime I am working on a fairly substantial update to ProconRulz, extending the programmability of the rulz. The good news is this will mean more complex sets of rulz will be possible, for example it should be possible to program rulz keeping track of counts going up and down so you could allow players to back off from a limit. The bad news is this will mean more complex sets of rulz. The upgrade will be compatible with existing rulz, and should not be expected for a couple more weeks. The upgrade we really want is better BF3 data, and we're waiting on DICE for that. If a ProconRulz update is needed to pick up kit/spec/accessory data when that's available then I'll turn that around quickly.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


The important thing is the BF3 upgrade from DICE, and we have no ETA for that.


The next version of ProconRulz can be expected within 2 weeks. The code is written, it just needs thorough testing. Here is some information if anyone wants to think about how they might use them (you can see complex rulz are getting more like programming). The new features are:


* combined items in rulz (as previously reported) i.e. a condition can be "Weapon SMAW,RPG-7" which will succeed for both the SMAW and RPG-7 rockets.


* a 'Continue' action, which means 'carry on after this rule and check other rulz' where currently only a single rule can fire on any event


* Support for general-purpose integer 'rulz variables' which can be per-player (default), per-squad, per-team, or for the server. The player/squad/team/server 'scope' of the variable is simply defined by its name. If the variable doesn't begin with "squad_", "team_" or "server_" then it's a player variable. The use of rulz variables is supported with these new features:

** Set, Incr and Decr conditions (i.e. Set , Incr , Decr ) to assign a value, increment or decrement the variable. E.g. Set server_countdown 10 or Decr server_countdown

** If condition (i.e. If , where values can be variable names or integers) that can test the value of a variable. E.g. If server_countdown > 5

** the use of %x% substitutions in text messages (e.g. %p% is player name) is extended to %varname%. E.g. Log count is %server_countdown%


As a complete example, this is how a 'QuakeCounter' could be implemented (e.g. a sniper kill limit where the player count reduces each time the player makes a non-sniper kill):


On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Incr snipes;If snipes > 5;Say %p% sniper limit;Kill

On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Decr snipes;Continue

On Kill;If snipes != 0;PlayerSay %p% sniper count is %snipes% (max 5);Continue


The name of the variable used here is 'snipes' (you choose any name), and each player has their own copy (all variables start as 0, and are reset to 0 at round start). Each time a player does a kill that causes damage 'SniperRifle', their 'snipes' count is incremented (i.e. +1). If it goes above 5 then they're killed. If the player does a kill that causes damage that is not SniperRifle, then their 'snipes' count is decremented (i.e. -1). On every kill, If a player's 'snipes' count is non-zero, ProconRulz reports the value to the player. Looks complex for rulz, but it's a lot easier than writing a custom plugin...


If a ProconRulz noobie is reading this, don't worry about it - you'll start with very simple rulz - see the 1st post on the 1st page of this thread and start from there.


As mentioned this is just a heads-up on the next release of ProconRulz, expected after testing - maybe 2 weeks.

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


For logging rules, is this correct?


On Kill;Log %p% killed %v% with %w% (key %wk%), damage %d%

On Suicide;Log %p% Suicided with %w% (key %wk%), damage %d%


Now is it placed after every rule, or after just the rule you want to log?

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Originally Posted by Spankerbf*:


It seems that if the M320 is attached to the weapon with the underslung rail, the plugin does not recognize that the players are using the M320, it actually shows that the player killed with the weapon that the M320 is attached to.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Clay all you have to do is place your logging rulz at the END of your list of rulz, so if nothing else fires ProconRulz will write your log record to the chat log instead of doing nothing. Any format is fine - my suggestion is use [%pt%] [%k%] [%p%] rather than just %p% because then it'll say "[uS Army] [Recon] [bambam]" which might be useful in some cases. Also %k% will currently say [No Kit] or something like that and when BF3 delivers the goods, tadaaa, the kit value should automatically start appearing so you'll get an immediate heads-up.


Think of each rule as being independent - ProconRulz just starts at the top and works its way down until it finds one where the conditions succeed. Your log rule doesn't have any conditions so it'll ALWAYS succeed. Great at the end, but there is no point in having any On Kill rulz AFTER an On Kill;Log ... rule.


Spankerbf - you are correct. BF3 reports a kill with a M320 grenade from an underslung launcher attached to an M416 assault rifle as "spankerbf killed twinkletoes with M416". Thank you so much DICE. BF3 is *not* reporting the weapon loadout at spawn time either. So you're kinda screwed. Please note Procon/ProconRulz have no limitations themselves regarding weapons/kits/specs both at spawn time and kill time - all this has been used successfully with BFBC2. It's just limitations today with BF3 as you describe. Also:


* Mortars, Vehicles and Aircraft/Helis all report as "spankerbf killed twinkletoes with Death"


* Being run over by a vehicle, kill with MAVs, and AA missiles on aircraft report as "spankerbf killed twinkletoes with Roadkill"


if you find out what an EOD BOT kill is reported as let me know - maybe this is ok, I forget.

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Originally Posted by droopie*:


ok so i took some suggestions and changed my only rule for tks to:

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 5;Say Autokilled %p% for 5 TK's!;Log Autokill TKer %p%;Kill 500


the only problem is that it works when i tk 5 times but if i tk after that i get killed each time instead of every 5th tk. i want it to kill you on every 5th tk. not every tk after the 5th tk. any suggestions?

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Originally Posted by C-4-N*:


Hi again , i tried


On join;say Welcome %p%


but i never see the message , it appears before i'm in game !


edit: wow i just read post on this page , good work , will be a bit complicated now , but hope to have good examples


good job

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Originally Posted by Marsu168*:


Hello, I like your plugin... good job


My question: is it possible to remove the vehicles on some maps (seine or grand Bazaar) with the proconRulz


Thank you


"You can remove the warning by adding a "Death" entry to your BF3.def - copy any other weapon entry but use "None "Death" Primary None". "

i add this : procon.protected.weapons.add None "Death" Primary None

and not work, i have the message weapon Death not found...

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Originally Posted by federico8221*:


Sorry to bother everyone but I've read all this stuff about proconrulz but I can't actually find a place to download the plugin... :sad: any help?

Thanks a lot guys!


LOL it was in the first page... sooooorry!!

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Originally Posted by C-4-N*:


i update this day last version


On Kill;Map metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for rockets on Metro;TeampBan 60%p% Metro rockets
On Kill;Map metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for rockets on Metro;Kick %p% Metro rockets
dont work !!! :'(
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Originally Posted by Marsu168*:




On Kill;Map metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 2;Log %p% banned for rockets on Metro;TeampBan 60%p% Metro rockets

On Kill;Map metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 1;Log %p% kicked for rockets on Metro;Kick %p% Metro rockets

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Originally Posted by cestcomi*:


First, there is a mistake: it is not "TeampBan" but "TempBan" !


I think this rules are not correct because the player is kicked after 1st kill.

When he comes back to the server, the counter is reset to 0.

He makes another kill and is kicked again.

He comes back to the server, the counter is reset to 0...



Use Kill for the first kill. If he makes a 2nd kill, then he will be banned.

TempBan 60 = 60 secondes. Is that enough ? On my server, I ban for 1h > TempBan 3600


Try this:


On Kill;Map metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 2;Say %p% was BANNED for using %w% on Metro;Log %p% banned for using %w% on Metro;TempBan 3600 %p% Metro rockets (%w%)

On Kill;Map metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 1;Say WARNING %p% - NO %w% on Metro;Log %p% KILLED for using %w% on Metro;Kill 100

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Originally Posted by C-4-N*:


i had ever tried with count 1 , nothing change




yeah i thought about count will reset to 0 on kick !


but in example at 1st page we have

On Kill;Weapon Siaga20k;PlayerCount 5;Log %p% banned for Saiga;Ban %p% Saiga shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon Siaga20k;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for Saiga;Kick %p% Saiga shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon Siaga20k;PlayerSay %p% no Saiga shotgun;Kill 100


so .... what use !


well it did not kick player at 1st disrespect of rules ,

i just let mu old command


On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;say %p% was kick for rocket on infantry;kick %p% no rocket on infantry


thanks men

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Originally Posted by Grzesiek*:


To restrict rockets and usas(dao)-12 this works fine (1st time killed, next tempban 120seconds):


On Kill;Map metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 2;Say %p% was kicked for using %w%;Log %p% banned for using %w%;TempBan 120 %p% Metro restriction - (%w%)
On Kill;Map metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 1;Say WARNING %p% - DON'T USE %w% (Next one = kick!);Log %p% KILLED for using %w% (Next one = kick!);Kill 100
On Kill;Map metro;Weapon USAS-12;PlayerCount 2;Say %p% was kicked for using %w%;Log %p% banned for using %w%;TempBan 120 %p% Metro restriction - (%w%)
On Kill;Map metro;Weapon USAS-12;PlayerCount 1;Say WARNING %p% - DON'T USE %w% (Next one = kick!);Log %p% KILLED for using %w% (Next one = kick!);Kill 100
On Kill;Map metro;Weapon DAO-12;PlayerCount 2;Say %p% was kicked for using %w%;Log %p% banned for using %w%;TempBan 120 %p% Metro restriction - (%w%)
On Kill;Map metro;Weapon DAO-12;PlayerCount 1;Say WARNING %p% - DON'T USE %w% (Next one = kick!);Log %p% KILLED for using %w% (Next one = kick!);Kill 100
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


FYI in general I think you guys all make your kicks/bans happen at wayyyyy too low a count.


Make the first 5 actions (maybe) a KILL - there are not many players that will keep using a restricted weapon over and over again if it is suicidal to use. Use the kick and ban if they don't get the message.


By the way, a RPG can kill maybe 3 people in one hit, so if your kick/ban is less than that then some people will get booted on their first rocket...


Debug info on rulz above: "TempBan 60%p% banned" needs a SPACE after 60 and ban time is in seconds...

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


FYI in general I think you guys all make your kicks/bans happen at wayyyyy too low a count.


Make the first 5 actions (maybe) a KILL - there are not many players that will keep using a restricted weapon over and over again if it is suicidal to use. Use the kick and ban if they don't get the message.


By the way, a RPG can kill maybe 3 people in one hit, so if your kick/ban is less than that then some people will get booted on their first rocket...


Debug info on rulz above: "TempBan 60%p% banned" needs a SPACE after 60 and ban time is in seconds...

Perhaps but I'm really trying to build a good nade rule but it's damn difficult. I want to kill after every 5, not every one after 5, and allow up to say 35 or whatever amount. Is this possible? My guys would love you to death for that one :ohmy:


I wouldn't bother temp banning for such a low amount of time as a minute from above, may as well just kick.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


not sure why you'd want to suicide the player every 5 nade kills but this would do it:

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 35;Kick

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 29;Not Count 30;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 24;Not Count 25;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 19;Not Count 20;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 14;Not Count 15;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 9;Not Count 10;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 4;Not Count 5;Kill 100

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


not sure why you'd want to suicide the player every 5 nade kills but this would do it:

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 35;Kick

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 29;Not Count 30;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 24;Not Count 25;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 19;Not Count 20;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 14;Not Count 15;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 9;Not Count 10;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 4;Not Count 5;Kill 100

Looks good, but yeah I just don't want someone standing in one position just chucking one after the other and so on. Good looking rule and thanks but would you have a better suggestion that would lessen spam but still allow for fun?
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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


Clay maybe just use the 'Rate' condition and limit a player to 2 nade kills per minute?


On Kill;Damage Explosive;Rate 2 60;Say %p% excessive nade use;Kill

Hmm now that's interesting, I may try that but with 3 /min. But wait, if they kill more than 2 or 3 whatever number is used, then they get constantly suicided, that would be annoying would it not?
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


The 'Rate Number Seconds' condition is damn clever, cleverrerer than the other kill-limiter calculations out there... it uses a rolling window of time, e.g. 60 seconds and only triggers if the rule is hit more than 'Count' number of times during that rolling window. So if you have a rule


On Kill;Damage Explosive;Rate 2 60;Say %p% nade spam;Kill


and a player kills with a nade at the following times:


09:00:00 1 kill

09:00:45 2 kills

09:01:10 3 kills in 1:10

09:01:40 3 kills in 0:55

09:02:15 3 kills in 1:05

09:02:50 3 kills in 1:10


See, there's lots of stuff in ProconRulz - explaining it all would take forever but it's all documented in the link on the 1st post. If people start aimbot hacking in BF3, the Rate condition is good for some safety rulz that protect your server from being completely emptied, e.g.

On Kill;Headshot;Rate 5 15;Ban %p% aimbot

That rule auto-bans a player that scores more than 5 headshots in 15 seconds, and catches aimbot kids in BFBC2 that spray with a medic LMG from spawn headshotting everyone in the distance. Actually what you do is check the logs when this has occurred to see if somone's just been unlucky, and you can unban them, but when I've checked stats (which I've done over 100 times) I have NEVER found a player that hit that rule that wasn't a blatant hacker with stats making that 100% certain. The advantage of the rolling rate window is that it is not as basic as a "Kick players with a 30:1 K/D ratio" because for that technique you need to wait until the hacker has done 30 kills...

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


bambam, thanks for the the excellent explanations, this looks to be something I may incorporate more often now. btw I'm using 5 60 (5/min) for the nade rule, too many you think? I was afraid that 2 wouldn't be enough for multikills etc. Now with updates, can we have it ban via PB GUID? Also, 5 headshots/15 secs sounds like enough, although at times I use the 240B in a crowd in Metro and get a few of em.

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


Hi, it is possible to setup the PROCONRULZ to disable vehicles on some maps, or change parameters of vehicles back (instead of 60 sec 1500 sec for ex.)



This is usually done via your GSP control panel, not sure what you're trying to do otherwise.
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


tarreltje use the ServerFirst condition:


On Kill;ServerFirst;Say First blood to %p%, killing %v% with %w%


or.. I've just had an idea, maybe you want one firstblood message for each team:

On Kill;TeamFirst;Say First blood for %pt% by %p%, killing %v% with %w%

(note that for map and team definitions to load, you need a round-end, i.e. if you start ProconRulz mid-round, it won't know what map or teams it is for a while - on a round change it'll sort itself out. You can speed this up by restarting round in Procon.)

Marsu168 do you know the admin commands to do what you want if you were on the admin console? If not then work that out first before you try it with ProconRulz. ProconRulz does have a general-purpose 'Exec' action ("Exec ") so you will be able to send admin commands if you know what (I'm assuming basically you want to set vars, but don't ask me...) Note that BF3 accepts an update to some vars mid-round, other vars are only read when the map loads - again you need to work this out as it is nothing to do with ProconRulz.



can we have it ban via PB GUID?

yeah I've read up on this but not done it yet - I will add an action PBBan to go with Ban and TempBan (is there such a thing as Temp PB Ban _). I actually think it'll be easy to add but the other stuff I've added in V35 is a lot more complicated.
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Originally Posted by Marsu168*:


yes, for ALL map, i change the settings... but here i change settings for some urban maps (if possible infantry only on seine & bazaar) and normal for the rest of the rotation maps.


ok thank Bambam...

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


tarreltje use the ServerFirst condition:


On Kill;ServerFirst;Say First blood to %p%, killing %v% with %w%


or.. I've just had an idea, maybe you want one firstblood message for each team:

On Kill;TeamFirst;Say First blood for %pt% by %p%, killing %v% with %w%

(note that for map and team definitions to load, you need a round-end, i.e. if you start ProconRulz mid-round, it won't know what map or teams it is for a while - on a round change it'll sort itself out. You can speed this up by restarting round in Procon.)

Marsu168 do you know the admin commands to do what you want if you were on the admin console? If not then work that out first before you try it with ProconRulz. ProconRulz does have a general-purpose 'Exec' action ("Exec ") so you will be able to send admin commands if you know what (I'm assuming basically you want to set vars, but don't ask me...) Note that BF3 accepts an update to some vars mid-round, other vars are only read when the map loads - again you need to work this out as it is nothing to do with ProconRulz.


Clay yeah I've read up on this but not done it yet - I will add an action PBBan to go with Ban and TempBan (is there such a thing as Temp PB Ban _). I actually think it'll be easy to add but the other stuff I've added in V35 is a lot more complicated.

Ok ETA? There is a Tban for PB, by name only and for secs/mins/hours days etc. and of course Perma ban via GUID. The concern is when you have too many entries in the banlist.txt file, which is limited to 10 by DICE, however the pbbans.dat file, which is generated by PB bans can be near limitless. If the admin/banlist.txt gets too big, it can crash servers, a known issue.
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